1. Organizing Committee
Initial Steps towards transformation …
We are a growing alliance of leaders from a diversity of local groups coming together as an “Organizing Committee” to develop and implement a model of broad-based community organizing here in the Yakima Valley. A list of current participants is available. Successful models of what we envision are the Sound Alliance, the Spokane Alliance, Rural Organizing Project. and the Industrial Areas Foundation Northwest.
2. The Model
How it will happen …
This model begins with deep listening to the values and passions of people out of which a common agenda is developed, and action taken to achieve systemic change. Through building relationships and developing leadership, the power of people is strengthened to take collective action. Together the community identifies issues, does research, develops strategy, takes action, evaluates that action, celebrates victories and begins again. All along the way leadership is developed: e.g., through our recent Foundations of Community Organizing Training. Through this annual process tangible systemic change happens, organizations are strengthened, and a sustainable alliance of organizations is developed that moves successfully from issue to issue.
3. Envisioned Structure
Teams coordinate Alliance efforts …
A snapshot of the proposed structure of Between the Ridges: Alliance for the Common Good.
- Core Teams in each member organization (Doing one-on-ones, house meetings, developing a relational culture in each organization)
- Research / Action Teams (Doing research on emerging issues, proposes and leads campaigns)
- Delegate Assemblies (Made up of reps from member organizations who meet to prioritize and approve campaigns, approve budget, hire an organizer, and select the Strategy Team)
- Strategy Team (lead between Delegate Assemblies, choose Research & Action Teams)
- Administrative Board (responsible for legal compliance, personnel issues.)
4. Initial Fundraising Goal
Making the Dream Happen …
Our initial goal as the Sponsoring Committee for this effort is to raise $100,000.
To hire an organizer and begin to fund an annual operating budget for this organization. Between the Ridges, a 501(c)(3) organization, is our fiscal agent and donations to this project are tax deductive. We are seeking grants and donations and will be developing membership dues.